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Course Features

Lectures 80 - 90
Duration 2.5 Months

Cooperate Trainings

Whether your team needs German training to build strong and long-lasting relations with clients and partners in the DACH region, or whether you have employees staying in the region for some time who need a German language survival kit, we have the right solution for you.

More and more companies are building business ties with Germany, Austria, and Switzerland leading them to look for a German language training solution.

At Orford Academy Training, we have the ideal solution as your team can learn online from anywhere. Your employees can improve their German language skills from their based office, while travelling in Europe, or even from home. This is the continuity and flexibility that our online German courses offer you and your team!

Corporate group training programs can be held on a company’s premises. In-company, language training can support a company’s training strategy in various ways.

German is required in a variety of Business activities. We designed the course according to requirements.

Course program - We designed the course according to requirements